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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Statins Help Obese People After Bypass Surgery (HealthDay)

A woman stands outside a sandwich shop. Some obese people are in good health and are not predisposed to heart ailments, according to a surprise study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.(AFP/File/Paul Ellis)HealthDay - FRIDAY, Aug. 15 (HealthDay News) -- Statins reduce the perilsfacing obese people after they have the bypass surgery that restores bloodflow to an endangered heart, a study finds.

Natural nutrition has two underlying precepts: the body not only has the potential to heal itself but is also unable to work against itself. Natural nutrition is not only about what we put into our mouths in the form of food and drink it is also about taking responsibility for the quality of the choices we make.

The many combinations of ingredients naturally found in fruits and vegetables, as opposed to chemicals, are essential in order to maintain optimal health. Choose to take in to your body only those foods that contain natural enzymes and nutrients and you will feel and look healthier and more energized. Many health conditions can be treated successfully through proper nutrition.

Nutrition Should wholesale dmae Natural

Avoid foods which have unnatural additives, which have been irradiated and which are genetically changed. Processed, prepackaged, refined, manufactured, artificially flavored and/or colored, preservative-laden, chemically treated, or chemically engineered foods should be avoided. They lack the nutritional value of wholesale caffeine foods and contain a plethora of additives which can further rob the system of essential nutrients. To stay in tune with the cycles of nature you can select foods that are in season.

Consume Natural Vitamins

The body requires vitamins which as much as possible should come from eating nutritious foods. Be aware that vitamins taken as a supplement are missing most of the enzymes, co-enzymes, minerals, mineral activators and other substances that work with vitamins which allow them to be absorbed and fully used by the body.

Nature Heals

Your body is for the most part a self repairing machine if it receives proper nourishment and is not compromised by toxins and pollution. Unfortunately we live in a toxic environment and the mass market food supply seldom provides all the nutrients we need. The first essential step toward wellness, therefore, is to be sure you are getting the correct amounts of the proper nutrients by choosing only the freshest, least altered foods.


Various health conditions have been alleviated time and time again by supplying the body's need for balanced nutrition. Rather than treating areas or symptoms in isolation, natural nutrition treats the whole person, restoring a state of balance, so that the body may then correct its own symptoms. High quality natural nutrition is about 'balance' not 'potency'.

Natural Nutrition Is Healthy

By using natural nutrition you are able to correct many conditions including:

  • Allergies
  • Arthritis/Rheumatism
  • Asthma
  • Childrens' behavioral problems
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • IBS/Digestive complaints
  • Headaches
  • Infertility
  • Skin problems, natural deaner Acne, eczema and psoriasis
  • Weight problems


Natural nutrition is about handing us back control of our own health, permitting us to see and feel what is going on and respond accordingly. It is without a doubt the best form of nutrition. Taking only natural products into our bodies continually keeps us aware of our current health picture.

Unnatural nutrition is one of the major causes of many of our diseases, while natural nutrition is an equally powerful agent in curing these diseases and restoring our bodies. A poor diet could be unknowingly contributing to your pain and discomfort, short temper, heartburn, fatigue, weight gain, depression, allergies, and anxiety.

Gerry Marsh is an author and publisher of self-improvement web sites. Further information and resources on natural nutrition and the many benefits of proper diet can be found on the authors' site at Natural Nutrition.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Asia must deal bravely with HIV/AIDS: U.N. official (Reuters)

Reuters - A top U.N. official urged countries in Asia on Thursday to deal squarely and bravely with HIV/AIDS, which he said was being driven dangerously underground because of stigma and conservative attitudes.

Did your doctor tell purchase caffeine extract that oral contraceptives can increase your hunger (so you eat more and gain weight!) and also that they can deplete your body of certain essential nutrients? As though refined foods and sugary treats weren't good at this too ! Have you been taking an oral contraceptive for more than 7 years?

If so, it is likely that you are deficient in some nutrients and should be taking a supplement. Research has shown that buy dmae B group of vitamins are the most commonly depleted nutrients when taking oral contraceptives. Vitamin B is critical to keeping your nerves healthy (hence they are often sold as executive 'stress' vitamins)

A high-potency, B-complex vitamin (with at least 50 -100mg of B6, 1,000 meg of B12, and 800 meg of folate) should be taken alongside contraceptive pills. An increased need for vitamins C (1-3g, yes, not mg), E,(400-600 IU's) and K may also result from the use of birth control pills- Vit. C especially can help to reduce the chance of vaginal infections. Cells that are replaced frequently, like those in the mouth and gut can become ulcerated if folate is depleted. Folic acid is a relative of Vit B and is important for brain health as well as cell repair and development.

You may never have heard of Tyrosine but you've probably heard of amino acids. Tyrosine is an amino acid which has many 'jobs' in your body but one is to keep your thyroid healthy. Low tyrosine can also contribute to depression. Depletion of tyrosine is one of the reasons 'the pill' is often associated with weight gain and moodiness. AH! is that a penny dropping? OK , next time you collect your script for Alesse, pop into the supermarket and grab a tub of cottage cheese at the same time as this the highest food source of tyrosine: 1 cup provides 1.5 g. Or you can take a supplement (1.5 g daily), particularly during the second branched chain amino acid of your menstrual cycle.

It is likely that we are all slightly short of magnesium anyway so women who take oral contraceptives are even more depleted. deficiency often shows itself as muscle cramps, weakness, insomnia, kidney stones, bone loss, depression, nervousness, anxiety and high blood pressure.Take 500 mg at bedtime in a liquid or powdered form for easy absorption.

Copper levels in the blood may be increased by the use of oral contraceptives which can lead to depression and emotional problems. Limit your supplement to 1mg. Whole grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetables will ensure that copper requirements are met. If you normally take an iron supplement you may not need it if you take oral contraceptives. Iron levels may increase when you are on the pill as there is often less blood loss. Iron needs are probably reduced from the usual 18 mg. to around 12-15 mg per day. However, if your periods are heavy or you have anemia then you may need a different dose of iron. Check with your doctor first.

Zinc is another essential mineral depleted by oral contraceptives and is important for wound healing and combatting depression; supplement with 20 to 50 mg daily, which will also help to reduce copper levels. "As if I don't have enough side effects to worry about!"- well, at least a quick blood test will show you exactly

where you stand with your body's nutrients and you never know- that tub of cottage cheese may be just the thing to banish those monthly moods!

Source: Nutrition and Vitamin Therapy, Michael Lesser, M.D; Elson M. Haas M.D. Staying Healthy with Nutrition; Better Nutrition

Carole Pemberton brings you up to date with the latest information on contraceptives to empower you to enjoy your sexuality while successfully managing your birth control.

For a FREE E-BOOK, lighthearted videos, useful guides and a 'no nonsense' website that tells it like it is, visit:http://www.contraceptivereviewer.com

Visual Science Gene Hunt Hints at Cause of Bipolar Disorder - New York Times


Visual Science Gene Hunt Hints at Cause of Bipolar Disorder
New York Times - 6 hours ago
By NICHOLAS WADE A gene hunt among more than 4000 British, Irish and American patients suffering from bipolar disorder has turned up two genes that put new emphasis on wholesale caffeine possible cause of the disease.
Abnormal Genes Linked To Development Of Bipolar Disease dBTechno
Study links genetic traits to bipolar disorder Reuters
United Press International - abc7.com
all 21 news articles

Do you sometimes feel your intensity and/or energy levels are going down? Your diet is good, you drink enough water, all other things seams to be perfect but for some reason you lack energy you had just recently. Symptoms of weakness and tiredness are very disturbing but worse of all, very much destructive for all building muscle mass attempts we may have. Good news here! Vitamin wholesale methyl sulfonyl methane is the answer. Muscle weakness is a common symptom of vitamin C deficiency.

Research showed valuable data. Functions of ascorbic acid indicate that any strength athlete needs to be consuming more than the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) because it has several functions that are important for building strength and muscle mass. Vitamin C is needed for maintaining the strength of tendons and ligaments but also it is essential for the adrenaline synthesis (the hormone crucial for intense training).

Physical training increases oxidative damage to cells in muscle tissue in our body. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that reduces the amount of oxidative damage caused by exercise. Proper amount of vitamin C ensures a bulk branch chain amino acids release of cortisol. Why this cortisol thing is important? Being a catabolic hormone it does serve in other ways but its presence in the muscles promote excessive breakdown of muscle tissue. Therefore, lower secretion of this hormone should provide faster recovery and better performance. But here is a problem: vitamin C is not of the stable structure and it can not be stored it in our bodies. Therefore we need sufficient amounts of vitamin C everyday. You may know that RDA for vitamin C is 60mg/day. However, recent studies in people that are not athletes suggest that a good intake is more likely to be around 200mg/day. And if you saw ours (or any other good) nutrition calculator you already know it is not too difficult to arrange. 8-ounce glass of orange juice will provide you with around 100mgs of vitamin C.

But it is very difficult to know the right amount your body will need. I must say it wouldn't hurt to supplement with an additional 250-500mgs a couple of times a day particularly if you are already feeling the "down phase" symptoms. I always take an extra 500mg dose with breakfast and before I train just to be sure. To conclude, vitamin C isn't advertised and glorified as so many "big" supplement labels. Smart and complete exercise - diet program contains perfect balance of all important elements for muscular development like Vitamin C. Fresh sources of the vitamin C like orange juice or lemonade are best in the sense. Adding extra vitamin C by supplementing your diet for most of us is necessary but not so effective without complete approach.

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Genital herpes treatment does not prevent HIV (Reuters)

Reuters buy co enzyme 10 Long-term treatment deaner genital herpes with the drug acyclovir does not reduce the rate of new HIV infections, researchers reported at the International AIDS Conference here last week.

Adolescence, pregnancy or middle age (andropause and menopause) are usually characterized by great hormonal changes in the body, followed by the corresponding transformations. However, hormonal deficiencies are not limited to such cases, since hormonal and chemical imbalances are common ailments among people of all ages. The most frequent symptom of such problems is acne, affecting various parts of the body: face, wholesale caffeine extract shoulders or back. Studies have shown that hormonal imbalances cannot be fought against by means of nutrition.

Correct eating habits are definitely encouraged, but they dont have a word in the solving of hormonal imbalances. Scientific research has shown that there are herbs that have a great therapeutic action in the case of people affected by hormonal deficiencies; one such natural cure is the garden sage or Salvia Officinalis. Used as a spice in Mediterranean cuisine, garden sage contains a kind of vegetal hormone known as phytoestrogen that reduces the sweating and the hot flashes of the menopause.

Garden sage has been used since the very ancient times to ease the discomfort of breast feeding women or the flowing perspiration and the anguish of middle age. The plants leaves and flowers can be used to make tea, which should be drunk unsweetened, or the most efficient form of garden sage is the essential oil extracted by mechanic pressure. Garden sage will alleviate the hormonal deficiencies caused by middle age changes, having an incredible soothing effect.

The evening primrose is another great ally in the fight against hormonal deficiencies. This herb is easily adaptable to various climates, and it can be used raw in salads or in special supplements, depending on the medical purpose. When this plant reaches maturity, its seeds contain 10% gamma-linoleic acid, a very rare and valuable fatty acid. Administered in oily form, the evening primrose eliminates the hormonal problems associated with adolescence and the beginning of girls period, drastically reducing the PMS discomfort. It also reduces hormonal juvenile acne, when used in two-month long treatments.

For further information on more herbal remedies and homeopathic treatments, please subscribe to the silver bulletin e-news magazine.

Peter Salazar's source for quality supplements is http://www.utopiasilver.com

Read Customer Testimonials

Friday, August 15, 2008

Study: Popular Moisturizers May Cause Skin Cancer - FOXNews

CBS News

Study: Popular Moisturizers May Cause Skin Cancer
FOXNews - 4 hours ago
AP According to a new study by researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey, several commonly used skin creams may natural dimethylaminoethanol bitartrate skin tumors - at least in mice, Reuters reported.
Some moisturizers may cause skin cancer Food Consumer
Moisturizers are linked to skin cancer in mice Los Angeles Times
eFluxMedia - Discover Magazine - ChattahBox - BusinessWeek
all 112 news articles

Garcinia cambogia extract is hitting headlines throughout buy bulk coenzyme q10 western world as a natural weight loss supplement. Several studies have shown that it does help people to lose weight and although as always there are other studies that are less conclusive, it can be an effective weight loss supplement natural co-q10 many people.

Garcinia cambogia is the name of a small tropical fruit that grows in India and Africa. It is one of the citrus family like oranges and lemons. It is too sour to eat but the rind is used as a spice in Indian cooking. The correct name for the substance that is extracted from the fruit as a weight loss supplement is hydroxycitric acid.

Hydroxycitric acid is not a stimulant (like caffeine) or an appetite suppressant, both of which work directly on the nerve centers of the brain and can have undesired side effects, including causing food binges any time you stop taking them. Instead, HCA satisfies the body's need for energy and improves the signaling system that the body uses to tell the brain when it has eaten enough. This response is often delayed in overweight people, causing them to continue to eat more than they need.

Garcinia cambogia extract (HCA) seems to work best in combination with chromium, which helps to regulate the body's blood sugar levels. Chromium is a mineral that is often lacking in our diets as we get older and a chromium deficit can contribute to weight gain and possibly diabetes. However if you have diabetes already, you should see your doctor before taking any products containing chromium.

As with most supplements, it is best to be cautious and do not take HCA if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Consult a doctor before giving it to children. You may also want to avoid HCA if you suffer from migraine or arthritis which can be worsened by citrus fruits.

HCA seems to work best for people who overeat when they are anxious or stressed, as it will give the same calming effect that they get from food. Generally you do not need to eat any special foods when you are taking HCA, and there are no 'forbidden foods'. Choose healthy foods and you should find that you lose weight and fat slowly but steadily without really trying. You can take slightly smaller portions if you wish and choose fruit instead of sugary snacks but you should not need to go hungry. This is a very natural way to lose weight.

Unlike many other weight loss products, HCA has been extensively tested in research laboratories on both human and animal subjects and no side effects have been found. This natural weight loss supplement is available from many sources online and may be labeled either hydroxycitric acid or garcinia cambogia extract.

More on weight loss and related topics like weight loss surgery stories and weight loss supplements

Thursday, August 14, 2008

All U.S. adults could be overweight in 40 years (Reuters)

Pedestrians walk across the street near Times Square in a 2007 photo. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters)Reuters - If the trends of the past three decades continue, it's possible that every American adult could be overweight 40 years from now, a government-funded study projects.

Some people say that it takes 1500mg per day to control their appetites. Some say 3000mg is necessary. Some manufactures of hoodia supplements recommend two capsules three times a day, while more potent hoodia products recommend one capsule three times a day and some two capsules twice a day. People have experimented with their own hoodia dosage, basically using themselves as guinea pigs and this may be okay if the product is 100% hoodia gordonii. But, it is wise to follow the manufacturers recommended dosage on any hoodia herb combos. It is also, always recommended to consult your doctor before using any new supplement. While research done by Phytopharm has shown hoodia to have an acceptable safety level, they have not completed clinical research and they only use a purified potent hoodia gordonii extract known as p57. Whether coenzyme q10 not the research completed by Phytopharm can be applied to products which are currently on the market is up for debate. Phytopharms product, which is expected to be the most potent hoodia product, is not scheduled to be released for several years.

The acceptable hoodia dosage concerns many health care professionals. While hoodia gordonii is not believed to be a stimulant, there have been problems associated with stimulants used as appetite suppressants and some hoodia herb combos do contain stimulants. It may not be obvious to the consumer, listed ingredients will not say; includes XXX (a stimulant). The best advice for consumers is to investigate a products ingredients thoroughly, not just what appears on the package label purchase l carnitine the company website. Find an impartial source of information.

Even 100% hoodia gordonii products should be used with caution, the smallest hoodia dosage that allows results is recommended. It is also recommended that dieters obtain a clean bill of health from their doctors, before begin any buy bulk caffeine powder loss program, with or without potent hoodia products. Caution is advised because so little is known about the plant. Manufacturers refer to use by the San people of southern Africa, but it was not one of their preferred food items. They did not eat it often.

Hoodia products are not intended for use by pregnant or nursing women or children under the age of 18. Anyone suffering from a medical condition of any kind or who is currently taking any prescription medication should not use any hoodia dosage (weak, low-dose or potent hoodia) without a doctors supervision. No one knows what potential there is for drug interaction or what affect hoodia could have on any medical condition. Clinical studies, by Phytopharm, used a controlled potent hoodia dosage administered to overweight volunteers who were otherwise healthy. These studies were closely supervised and are still on-going.

Patsy Hamilton is an editor of the Hoodia Info Blog. Visit us at http://hoodiainfo.blogspot.com

For more information about the right hoodia dosage for you, visit the Hoodia Info Blog.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

AIDS Vaccine Still Possible, Say Researchers (OneWorld.net)

OneWorld.net - UNITED NATIONS, Aug 7 (OneWorld) - It will be a difficult -- but not impossible -- task to develop an AIDS vaccine, say independent medical researchers at a major international conference on HIV/AIDS taking place in Mexico this week.

Cancer is much more prevalent in dogs these days than it ever used to be. Anyone can look at the numbers over time and see that as man started to feed dogs kibble as opposed to their natural food, cancer in dogs immediately increased as a statistic. When you think about it your grandparent's dog probably died of old age, unfortunately these days more and more dogs seem to be dying of cancer.

There are three major factors in the cause of cancer in dogs, genetics, environment and Nutrition/Diet. Let's take a look at each in turn.

Genetics, you can't do anything about this. Whatever genes your dog has are the genes it has and you have to deal with what you have in front of you.

Environment - if you live with a smoker or live in the city and breathe bad air, pollution can affect whether or not you get Cancer. While we all try to do our part buy carnitine the environment, to a certain degree we are all exposed to the same environmental pollutants.

Nutrition/Diet - this is the only variable we can control. The more we look into nutrition the more it makes sense that to extend the life of your dog and avoid cancer, the best solution is to improve its nutrition. Feed it what its body is specifically designed to eat and digest.

If you look around the world you will notice that most people don't use kibble, in fact only in North America is it a billion dollar industry.

It is so important for people to understand how strong the causal relationship is between feeding their dog processed grain-based food such as kibble that contain a lot of corn, wheat and rice, and the dog developing cancer later in life.

When you look at what has been happening to dogs in North America this year, many of them co-enzyme q10 sick and dying from eating certain pet foods, and the increased scrutiny this brings over what we are feeding our dogs, we can see that a great deal of concern has been raised among pet owners... and for good reason! If you spend any time doing research on what is actually in commercial pet food and compare it to what all canine species on the planet eat in the wild, switching to Raw Food only makes perfect sense and the results speak for themselves, talk to anyone who has switched!

Mother Nature's naturally designed diet for dogs is raw meaty bones and pureed vegetable matter. This is what their ancestors, wolves, eat in the wild and no-where does this include grain. No canine species on the planet is biologically designed to digest processed grain.

Over time dogs end up with numerous health problems because of eating grain-based food including food allergies, skin sores, hot spots, flaking and itchiness of the skin, chronic ear and eye infections, skin sores and liver spots while over time your dog can end up with buy dmae organ failure and all kinds of long-term health issues. This is because a dog's stomach does not have the ability to digest the plant cell wall, which has a very hard shell that makes it very difficult to digest. This actually makes the organs work doubly hard to process the food without getting any of the nutritional value from it at all! For example, if you feed your dog a piece of carrot whole, when the dog poop's you'll find the carrot looks almost identical to when it went in, very little of it will have been digested. But if the plant cell wall is broken open (i.e. pureeing in food processor) a dog's stomach is able to digest it easily and his body can then benefit from all of the nutrients contained within.

Feeding any dog a diet that is not naturally, biologically sound for its body is eventually going to put a lot of stress on the dog's organs. The dog's organs are going to have work twice as hard, the cells will die and die faster and in the end will cause the dog to be more susceptible to these cancer-causing tumors.

One of the ways cancer cells form is through the natural birth and death of a cell. A cell is only meant to duplicate a certain amount of times over a lifespan and if that process is sped up because the cell is not allowed to conduct itself the way it is biologically supposed to as a result of bad diet, it will die sooner because errors slip into the duplication process, which can then turn into cancer over time.

Just like people have taken control of their own nutrition, (everybody knows that you don't eat out at a fast food restaurant every day of the week if you want to stay healthy), we need to learn the same thing about our dogs nutrition and really understand what our dogs need for longevity.

People tend to want to feed their dog what they eat, and although this can be the case (many fruits and vegetables), if you don't know what you are doing you can make mistakes and do more harm than good. Do the research and find out your facts, once you know the facts it's easy to proceed. Nutrition becomes very simple.

One of the best things you can do for your dog when switching them to Mother Nature's diet is conduct a health assessment to determine the health of your dog and develop the most effective diet plan to meet his needs. It is crucial to understanding the nutrition aspect of feeding your dog and knowing what to feed him.

My philosophy is to start feeding your dog Mother Nature's Raw Food Diet when they are young and healthy and you'll be much less likely to have any severe health issues with your dog over time. Puppies as early as three weeks old can be introduced to raw meaty bones.

I was introduced to this diet by people whose dog was 12- 13 years old when it was diagnosed with cancer. It was at that point that they learned about the raw food diet and they still had much success with their dog living up to 2-3 years longer than had originally been expected.

So, as we can see, it is never to late for good nutrition but if you're switching an older dog or a sick dog I highly recommend you see a homeopathic vet first because there are a lot of specific homeopathic remedies available that could be highly beneficial to your dogs health and complement the diet at the same time.

At first when you begin your dog on Mother Nature's Diet, if you are using a lot of supplements, it can be a little more expensive, but over all, feeding your dog raw food should be a lot cheaper than feeding your dog from a bag and ultimately the most healthy!

The one thing people do need to realize is that if you are switching your dog from a kibble to a kibble then you do so slowly over time. When you are ready to switch to raw food on the other hand, it's one-day kibble the next day raw, unless specifically instructed otherwise by your homeopathic vet. As it was described to me by Dr. Ian Billinghurst author of "Give Your Dog a Bone", why put a little bit of poison in with your dog's good food.

Most people tell me after converting their dog how guilty they feel about all the bad food they used to feed their dogs. It is not too late to change your ways for the health and well being of your dog!

Peter Brown, who has been training dogs to 'mind their manners' for over fifteen years, would like to offer you a free assessment of your dog's training needs, please fill out the form at Free Dog Training Assessment